Defined in tolerances.js
GET /v3/nc/tolerances
Getting the tolerances endpoint will return an array of all tolerance objects defined by the digital thread model.
The tolerance objects define the ID, name, type, and value of each tolerance, as well as any modifiers, datums, or status information.
GET /v3/nc/tolerances/{wsId}
Getting the tolerances endpoint with a particular workingstep ID will return an array of all tolerance objects that are associated with that machining operation.
GET /v3/nc/tolerances/qif/load
Getting the QIF load endpoint will parse a QIF file and apply the measured values to each of the matching tolerances in the digital thread model. At the moment, the location of the QIF file is hard coded to "swim:5000/assets/<ProjectName>_RES.qif". This can be found in the parseqif.js file.
GET /v3/nc/tolerances/qif/unload
Getting the QIF load endpoint will reset the measurement state of all tolerances in the digital thread model.